The Transition Year Architects in School exhibition which is currently on display in Ballincollig Shopping Centre is the showcase of the fantastic work done by TY Students 2016 in Coláiste Choilm.
The Architecture in Schools Initiative is a project set up by the Irish Architecture Foundation and the Department of Education to promote architecture in Schools. As part of the project each school collaborated with a local architect. Colaiste Choilm was one of twenty schools in Ireland selected to participate in the project in 2014. A group of twenty five transition year students were exposed to what architecture is through a series of design workshops and tutorials. As part of the programme the students did field trips to the Glucksmann Gallery, the National Sculpture Factory and the Architecture School; Cork College of Architecture Education on Copley Street.
Co-ordinating Teacher: Danny Moynihan
Co-ordinating Architect: Seán Antóin Ó Muirí