Junior Cycle

Webinar : Introduction to Junior Cycle in Coláiste Choilm and Gaelcholáiste Choilm.

Video About JC Assessment

PE, SPHE, CSPE, IT (including Digital Citizenship) Student Wellbeing is at the heart of the vision of Coláiste Choilm.  Student Wellbeing is present when students realise their abilities, can take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life and have a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging to a wider community.
Core Subjects:
Gaeilge, English, Maths, History, Geography, German, Religious Education. The progress of each student is regularly assessed and recorded. Formal Parent / Teacher meetings provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet once a year. Other opportunities are provided on request.
Option Subjects:
Science, French, Business Studies, Art Craft & Design, Home Economics,Technical Graphics, Materials Technology – Wood, Engineering, Music. Students choose 3 option subjects.
Information for Third Year parents on all aspects of Junior Cycle assessment and reporting.
Please find attached information for all parents on the Junior Cycle in CC/GC.for 2022/2023 including some Key Dates.

JC Parent Presentation

CBAs (Classroom Based Assessments) 3rd Years 2023/2024 :
Please find attached the  calendar of 3rd year CBAs and a description of each CBA.


3rd Year CBA Calendar 2023-24

CBAs (Classroom Based Assessments) 2nd Years 2023/2024 :
Please find attached the  calendar of 2nd year CBAs and a description of each CBA.

Description of CBA’S SECOND YEARS

2nd Year CBA Calendar 2023-24